When I have said this for years, it inspires an eye roll among my friends and family in Iowa, but now science is backing me up. A new ranking proves that Missouri and Illinois drivers are among the best and Iowa drivers are to be feared above all.

I drive Highway 61 in Missouri nearly every day of my life so I can tell you from experience that nothing inspires fear quite as much as an Iowa license plate. However, this is NOT my list. This is a new ranking from just a few days ago from Lending Tree.

How did experts determine the best and worst states for drivers?

Their methodology is strong as they ranked the states based on insurance inquiries over the past year. It goes to figure that the state with the worst drivers would have the most insurance claims. Like I said, SCIENCE.

Let's look at their new ranking of the states with the worst drivers. Brace yourself, Children of the Corn.

Infographic, Lending Tree
Infographic, Lending Tree

Iowa among the worst drivers in America is now science. That didn't surprise me in the least, but I was pleasantly shocked that both Missouri and Illinois made the best list.

Infographic, Lending Tree
Infographic, Lending Tree

I love my many Iowa family and friends, but even many of them admit their driving sins. Now, there's science to prove my point.

Planes, Trains & Automobiles Missouri & Illinois Sites Then & Now

Gallery Credit: Ryan's Retroverse via YouTube

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