A couple had a Chicago Cubs themed wedding and here's how you can too.

There are so many different kinds of weddings. You could go formal or traditional. You might want to do something fun like go to Vegas and get married by Elvis. Maybe something simple like going to the court house.

That was a great idea. Imagine driving down North 2nd Street and seeing a couple dressed in Cubs gear getting married at Sinnissippi Park. Walking into Giovanni's for dinner and there is a wedding party that looks more like bleacher bums.

Then I thought, this is really possible. Here's what you need to do to have a Chicago Cubs themed wedding.

1. Place - Little Cubs Field in Freeport. It's a smaller version of Wrigley Field.

2. Food - Portillo's does catering, so you can get some Chicago Style Hot Dogs. Just like at the ballpark.

3. Beverages - If you're going to have a Cubs theme, Old Style is a must. Luckily, Hayes Beer Distributing of Rockford carries it.

4. Clothes and decorations - The final touch is looking the part, so you need Cubs gear to wear and memorabilia for decorations. You can pick that all up at GQ Sports on Perryville Road across from CherryVale Mall.

It will be the wedding that everybody will actually want to attend.


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